Monday, May 2, 2011

Greetings from Ohio!

When last I wrote, which has been quite a while, I was a proud Texan. Today I sit here in my extended stay location in Ohio, where I am now a resident. 

My husband's previous employer decided to cease their operations. The company was not unprofitable, but had some issues and the parent company decided to close the company. With that news reaching us in December, we began searching for jobs. Job hunting is my not-so-favorite thing to do, however, as a helpmeet, it's what I get to do.

Well, it turns out that I was successful in my search and now my husband is an actuary! At long last he has finally gotten into his desired field. The catch? We had to leave our beloved Texas and church.

We were incredibly blessed with an awesome relocation package. We had movers come and pack up our apartment and load up a truck and take our things to storage. It's the only way to move.

At present we are looking for a house to buy. Lord willing we will find something soon.