Saturday, January 30, 2010


I created this blog because I felt like blogging. I have a passion for the art of keeping a good home. I have been cooking, baking, canning, and sewing for several years. I have recently begun knitting; it has become my latest obsession.

Disclaimer: The only thing I don't enjoy doing is crocheting. I have done it before but I find the directions for patterns to be printed in a foreign language (even though they may be using the English alphabet). For some reason I don't find twirling a hook to be very satisfying. For those of you that like to crochet, please do not take offense. I stand in awe of those that can crochet, for crochet can produce some of the most beautiful things.

I decided to embrace the domestic arts largely because it coincides with my desire to be a Proverbs 31 woman- a woman that works with her hands and is very wise. I also seem to have a natural aptitude for all things domestic (except for the aforementioned crochet issue).

I intend to blog about whatever crafts I have completed, recipes I have tried, or any other subject of note that comes to mind.