Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New Completed Project

I just finished a gift for my friend S who just had a baby. Here's what I made her:

Hooded seed stitch baby blanket.

This is a Lion Brand pattern. I purchased two different colors from the Pound of Love line. The pattern called for one Pound of Love divided equally into two balls. Quite frankly, I think that's an impossible task so I purchased two skeins. While acrylic yarn isn't my fave by any stretch, it is easy to wash which is great with children and babies.

My next project: leg warmers for my grandmother.

Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm So Excited

that I just can't hide it! Well, that's a bit much, but I am pretty excited about my new water kefir grains. My sister-in-law/best friend L. hooked me up with some grains and showed me how to do it. She even brought up some kefir soda for us to try. It is so yummy!

Kefir water, juice, and kefir water with juice ready for 2nd fermentation.

Close up of kefir grains in water.
I just fed my grains today and decided to post some pictures.

Friday, August 13, 2010

A Gift for My Grandma

I spoke to my grandmother Mimi a few weeks ago and mentioned that I had made an apron for a friend. She was surprised that I sewed, which I thought odd (I thought she knew). Through the course of the conversation she mentioned how she is unable to find a cobbler apron and asked if I could make one. I then emailed her a few pictures of some patterns, which were close but not quite what she wanted. She is very picky (it's probably where I get it), so I am going to be making up a pattern. I'm kind of excited. I think it'll be easy to do. As I currently do not have any pattern paper- something which must be remedied- I am going to be drawing the pattern out on wrapping paper.  Pictures to follow.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Gift Basket

One of my friends is getting married, and for her bridal shower I decided to make a gift basket. I like gift baskets because they are very personal and I think a lot better than going and buying something off the registry and having them wrap it. This particular gift was geared toward pie making. It contained the following:

  1. French Rolling Pin
  2. Homemade apron
  3. Pie beads
  4. Pie plate
  5. Pastry blender
  6. Pie server
  7. Dish towels
  8. Flour sack towels
  9. Apple cider vinegar (to help stock the new couple's pantry- a nice idea)
  10. Icing spatula
  11. Basket

Here are the pictures:

Friday, August 6, 2010


Well, it's been a busy week...okay...more like a few weeks. 

I am not going to do an update post just now, as I am busy sorting through my pictures folder (it's a little out of control at the moment).

The Bee Man brings his bees to the Farmer's Market.

Bees up close. So cool!
I took this picture at the Dallas Farmer's Market. I just thought it was really really cool.