The home we purchased came with window dressings on all the windows- a standard practice. All the dressings were not even close to my style. The grey room (the son's room) had a black canvas curtain that had several tabs and buttons so that it could be adjusted to different lengths and styles. I replaced the curtain in that room with some spruced up sheers.
So here's what I did:
I purchased some sheers from Wal-Mart for $4.88. If you wanted plain sheer curtains you can't beat the price. Plain sheer fabric would cost more.
Then I pinned three rows of ribbons spaced out evenly on the curtain. I allowed an extra 6 inches past the top of the curtain to allow for the tab to hold the curtain up. I then sewed them on each side of the ribbon to the sheer curtain. then I folded over the extra ribbon in half, so that the tab was three inches in length.
After I hung the curtain to see how it looked, I decided it needed a few more tabs, so I measured an additional 6 six-inch ribbons, and pinned and sewed them to the curtain- evenly spaced of course.