Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Baby Booties

I made these as part of a gift for one of Chris' coworkers. She is just as big a fan of pink as I am. She's sure to love these!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hello World!

I have been under the weather for almost all of June. I am finally over my stomach bug and am ready to get back to reporting my girlie adventures.

Things I've been up to since last updating:

  1. Lactofermenting vegetables
  2. Cable knitting
  3. Finishing my first knitted garment (well, just about finished it)
  4. Brewing kombucha
  5. Filling out an address book
Lactofermenting vegetables? What is that you are probably asking yourself.  Lactofermentation is the process of  combining vegetables with salt, whey, and other various spices. The salt and/or whey contributes enough acidity to the vegetables to prevent putrification of the produce. This allows ample time for friendly bacteria to prosper. Lactofermented veggies are a type of super food because they are not only raw (you should have a certain amount of raw in your diet), but they also contain probiotics- much like yogurt. I made gingered carrots (no picture), pickles (my new obsession), and salsa (it was amazing raw I can't wait to taste it after fermentation).

Before fermenting
After fermenting
This salsa looks beautiful.

The best part of making these is that it's so easy! The salsa was a little time consuming because of the dicing, but the pickles are a breeze to put together. I made two prior jars of pickles and kept them whole. Not for nothing, but I think these vegetables look beautiful. I love the vibrant colors. This is what food is supposed to be like.

Cable knitting has been something that I have really wanted to learn because to me it is one of the prettiest types of knitting. I made a simple cable scarf (pattern from Lion Brand Yarn). It was so easy! I am so excited. I can't wait to try something more complex. At some point I hope to create a cable knit sweater or sweater dress.  The sides of the picture are rolling slightly. After I finished the scarf I blocked it with my Rowenta Steamer and now it rolls no longer.
I have been talking about kombucha, I know. And I know that I very much need to post some pictures. I am hoping to grow a really good mother and then I'll post pictures. 
Onto the address book- I received a beautiful pink leather address book from my father and mother-in-law. It is awesome! It has a calendar, which my mother-in-law filled out with birthdays and such, and it came with replacement stickers for when individual's information changes so you don't have to replace the whole page. It's great, now I don't feel bad about using a pen to write down information.