Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bad Llama

I am such a slacker! I haven't updated squat lately. My life hasn't been uber hectic or anything like that.  I just haven't felt like updating.

I've been having fun with my new toys- KitchenAid Food Processor, KitchenAid Blender, and Brother Sewing Machine. It's like Christmas in June! I have been so blessed by my mother-in-law's generosity. She enabled me to purchase a new food processor and blender and a few other things. The sewing machine was a gift from my husband.

I can't tell you how much I have missed having a food processor! The ease with which I can turn out a pie crust is just delightful. I am so happy to have one back in my life. It's the KitchenAid 12 Cup Extra Wide Mouth Food Processor in Brushed Nickel. As you can see it is quite large. It came with three different bowls, a bunch of blades and a nice storage box for the extra equipment. It's fantastic.

I found this great recipe for a strawberry-rhubarb cobbler/crisp, which I made after going strawberry picking. It's a great easy recipe from the William-Sonoma Baking book. I have referenced this book before. It also has modification recipes so the other night I did a Three Berry Cobbler. I used blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries. It had such a good flavor!

I also joined an organic coop. I am very excited because it will force me to eat vegetables that I would not normally choose to purchase, like Swiss chard. I can also purchase non-homogenized milk through the coop,which is nice because the homogenization process absolutely destroys anything that the pasteurization didn't kill. Visit to find out more about the processing of milk. I still prefer raw milk to this milk, and may end up driving up to Plano once a month. We'll see. Here's a picture of the half share from my coop:

The picture does not include the head of lettuce and Swiss chard.